Training Basic First Aid


First aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill. It includes self-help and home care if medical assistance is not available or is delayed. It also includes well-selected words of encouragement, evidence of willingness to help, and promotion of confidence by demonstration of competence. The person giving first aid, the first aider, deals with the whole situation, the injured person, and the injury or illness. He knows what not to do as well as what to do, he avoids errors that are frequently made by untrained persons through well meant but misguided efforts. He knows, too, that his first aid knowledge and skill can mean the difference between life and death, between temporary and permanent disability, and between rapid recovery and long hospitalization.

Statistics show that accidents are the leading cause of death among persons from 1 year old to 38 years old, thereafter, accidents are one of the leading causes. The annual cost of medical attention, the loss of earning ability due to temporary or permanent impairment, the direct property damage, and the insurance costs amount to many billions of dollars each year, not to mention the toll in pain, suffering, disability, and personal tragedy.

It is our goal to provide the first aid training not only with knowledge and skill to give life support and other emergency care but also helps you to develop safety awareness and habits that promote safety at home, at work, during recreation, and on the streets and highways. In the promotion of safety awareness, it is important to closely relate three terms: cause, effect, and prevention. One of the latest regulations related to the K3 is regulation of the minister of manpower and transmigration No. PER 15/MEN/VIII/2008 about First Aid.

1. Airway Management and breathing emergencies
2. Chain of Survival
3. Performing Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
4. Emergency bleeding control
5. Basic Life Support
6. Treatment of minor bleeding & minor burns
7. Treatment of a choking casualty
8. Regulations related to laws of First Aid (P3K)
9. Basic Occupational Health
10. Basic First Aid
11. Guidelines of facility of P3K


  1. Give a value in both preventing and treating sudden illness or accidental injury and in caring for large numbers of persons caught in a natural disaster.
  2. Developing a safety awareness and safety character to face any other situation especially for emergency situation.
  3. Make understanding of the overall accident problem so we can
  4. Make every effort to avoid further injury to the victim in your attempt to provide the best possible emergency first aid care.

1. Presentation
2. Case Study
3. Practice

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